
6 Simple Habits to Increase Productivity

Productivity is about making the most of the time you have. Here are six simple habits can help.

Nov 16, 2023

You know the feeling—you look around at the end of the workday and wonder how you’ve been so busy but accomplished so little. Unfortunately, there is a big difference between busyness and productivity. It’s possible to fill our days with endless tasks that don’t help us further our long-term goals. As Robin S. Sharma once said, “Productivity is less about what you do with your time and more about how you run your mind.”

Ultimately, productivity is about making the most of the time you have. If you’re interested in increasing your personal productivity, these six simple habits can help.

Plan your day the night before.

Perhaps the biggest key to increasing productivity is having a plan. Planning ensures that you’re moving in the right direction. Try taking time each evening to plan for the day ahead. Block out time for meetings, scheduled events, etc. Then evaluate your remaining time to set a realistic to-do list for the day.

Taking time to plan before the pressures of the day set in helps you get clear about what really matters rather than getting swept up in the demands of the moment. As an added bonus, planning in the evenings has been shown to lessen anxiety and improve sleep quality—both things that help contribute to better health and more productive days!

Establish your Top 3 daily priorities.

As part of your evening planning process, try identifying your Top 3 priorities for the day ahead—the three things that will have the biggest effect on your overall success and happiness. When you’ve identified what they are, commit to making them the first three things you’ll focus on the next day. Even if you don’t make it through your entire to-do list, you’ll be ensuring that your time and attention are going to the things that truly matter.

Stay off your phone in the morning.

Our smartphones are one of the biggest distractions in our lives. One study found that 80% of people check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up every morning. We all do it, but it’s not good for us! Seeing something negative first thing in the morning can trigger a stress response that lasts all day. Diving into work emails first thing in the morning blurs the lines between work and personal time and increases the risk of burnout.

Data shows that we’re healthier and happier when we resist the urge to invite the entire digital world inside our heads first thing during the day. After you’ve taken the time to make a plan and set your priorities for the day, don’t let yourself get derailed by an early morning influx of emails, social media posts, news articles, etc. 

Organize your stuff.

You’ve heard the maxim, “a place for everything and everything in its place.” This applies to the workplace, too! There are many benefits to keeping things organized. You’ll save time and reduce stress by knowing exactly where to find things when you need them. And this doesn’t just apply to your physical space. Your digital workspace is just as important. Try scheduling in regular time during your work week to take care of organizational tasks. It might take some time in the beginning while you figure out a system that works for you, but it will save time overall.

Try single-tasking.

We have some bad news: multitasking is a myth. Though we might feel like we’re doing many tasks at the same time, what we’re actually doing is forcing our brain to switch attention back and forth very quickly. Ultimately, this decreases our attention span, the quality of our work, and our overall productivity. Instead, try single-tasking: focusing on a single task at a time. 

Take mindfulness breaks.

It might seem counterproductive to say that you can improve productivity by taking more breaks, but it’s true! Especially if you use your break time to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness--the quality or state of being conscious or aware--can improve your focus, attention, creativity, and ability to thrive under stress. 

There are so many ways to practice mindfulness during the workday. You can use your break time to sit in silence and focus on your breathing. You can take a walk outside and use all your senses to get in touch with the world around you. You can also try a guided meditation (available in any of the Impact Suite apps!). 

Ultimately, improving productivity is about being deliberate with your time. These simple habits can help you establish good boundaries for focusing on what truly matters.

About Impact Suite

Impact Suite is a modern mental wellness company getting at the roots of emotional health through preventative technology and professional care.

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